goto考研网 资讯 大学生一般什么时候可以考研?该考哪个学校?


大学生一般什么时候可以考研? 大计划就是整个考研复习期间必须要做的事情的安排。 比如学校有强制实习要求,看看能不能提前实习。 如果大三下学期的课程较多,看看是否可以提前申请选修一些课程。 ,以便留出足够的复习时间。

当你大三的时候,各方面的学习都不是很稳定的时候,你这个时候就可以思考一下,对自己的未来进行更准确的定位。 我应该参加研究生入学考试吗? 我应该考哪所学校的研究生? 有些人甚至从大一、大二就开始考虑这个问题了。 确实,有必要花更多的时间思考这个大问题,要不要做、如何做。 但是当你开始考虑这个问题的时候,你首先需要了解的是考研的整个流程,经历了哪些阶段,什么时候需要做什么。 你需要对这些有一个很好的了解,这样你才能尽早、仔细地安排它们。 考研一般要经过以下流程。

考研学校安排时间表 考研学校安排时间表

大一? 由于我刚进入大学,对大学生活还不是很熟悉,什么都不懂,很迷茫。 毕业后我想做的事情根本不在我的日程上。 到时候你就可以有非常明确的目标,规划好以后的考研,并开始准备。 我认为此时学好英语、学好所有基础课程是根本。

1 联系学校; 2 早期准备; 3 考研报名; 4 考研初试; 5 考研复试; 6 考研调整; 7个调节通道; 8.考研录取; 9 毕业生就业



大学通常持续四年。 如果你已经大三了,那就意味着你的大学已经过去了。 这个时候,你就很清楚自己需要什么了。 根据自己的学习水平和专业兴趣,选择适合自己能力的学校。 我觉得还不错的学校和专业。


选择学校后,一定要充分了解学校相应专业需要哪些知识点和科目。 抓住重点,在网上找一些历年考研资料。 或者如果有认识的前辈或者姐妹,可以请他们给点建议就更好了。



后期复习的机会不多。 这时候做训练题是一个更好的选择。 你可以通过做题来填补空白。 同时要调整好心态,不要害怕考砸。


记住考研报名时间是9月份,实际报名时间一般是10月份左右。 报名时可以填写两个学校和专业。 其中,研究生考试的专业课试题由您报考的学校设定,考生将根据您填写的自愿试题进行考核。


初试通常在1月5日至6日举行。 一共4门考试,包括高等数学、英语、专业公共课。 每次考试持续 3 小时。 考试地点以当地实际安排为准。


一般在寒假结束后,即3月份春季学期开学时,初试成绩就会出来。 等待复试的这段时间尤为关键。 如果你的实际成绩不符合所申请学校的要求,你应该联系所申请学校的导师或调整你的大二年级选择。

考研时间:四年制本科生可以在大四参加考研,从大三开始准备。 准备太早,考生容易疲劳,准备太晚,则时间不够。 因此,在大三的时候进行准备是比较合适的。








专业老师在线解答权威问题。 大学本科学位通常是四年制课程。 学生可以在大四参加考研,因为考研需要获得我国认可的本科文凭。 应届本科生须在入学当年9月1日前取得我国承认的本科毕业证书。 、高年级学生可以像本科新生一样参加考研。 符合条件的,可登录科研招聘网站提交申请审核。 提交申请的时间可分为网上预注册和正式注册。 网上预登记与正式登记相隔1个月。

参加研究生入学考试的高年级学生可在研究生院招生网站提交报名表进行审核。 您可以在规定时间内到指定地点参加资格审查,完成资格审查并参加入学考试。 根据招生单位安排的全国联考和考研复试,择优录取后即可缴纳税费学习。 课程内容的学习时间差不多是2到3年。 学生按要求阅读全部课程内容,根据学校课程内容参加考试和硕士论文答辩,即可获得研究生学历证书和硕士学位证书,研究生入学考试为笔试。

研究生入学考试笔试是全国统一安排的考试。 想要考取研究生的学生可以按照网站上的方法申请并缴纳费用,然后参加相应时间的考研笔试。 考研笔试通常包括英语、文化、数学知识、专业课程等。 对于每个科目来说,文化通常是笔试的第一个测试。 当然,也有一些专业不考数学知识,用专业课代替数学知识。 实际要求根据各学校实际情况确定。 我们在准备之前一定要对自己的报告方向有一定的了解和准备。

根据以上介绍,我们可以知道,大四学生可以像应届本科生一样参加考研。 您可以按照相应步骤申请考研。 由于历年申请者较多,录取机会很少。 如果你有兴趣学习,一定要提前做好准备,复习一下自己的专业知识和技能。 ,只有良好的心理素质,才能面对考试,从而增加被录取的机会。


1、建议第五学期前通过大学英语四级或六级考试。 申请夏令营的学生需要英语四级成绩。 考研复试还将考核你的大学英语四级、英语六级成绩。

2、如果你想学好专业课,想继​​续参加本专业的考试:大一、大二时要多去图书馆,扎扎实实学好基础知识。 如果要参加考试:多获取目标专业的知识和书籍,提前了解。

3、不要放弃英语数学英语:大三就开始背考研词汇,多背几轮打基础。 (前提是先通过大学英语四、六级。) 数学:理科、工科、金融等典型专业考研必备,学得越扎实越好。 4、多参加学科竞赛(考研必备)可以增加简历的价值,这对于想考研的同学来说是必要的。 建议从大一开始学习,大一期间强化准备,大三前获得1至3个奖项。 大学生竞赛:大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛(大挑战)大学生创业竞赛(小挑战) “互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 全国大学生英语竞赛 全国大学生数学竞赛 全国大学生电子商务“三个创业”挑战赛大三开赛,开始备战考研




②考研三线是什么? 线:只有通过了这条线,才有资格读研究生。 学院线:34所独立学院划定的分数线,一般高于该线。 单科分数线:不同专业的英语、数学和分数线有所不同。


2、熟悉全年考研流程。 从大三第二学期的三月份开始复习,到大四第一学期结束。




2月中旬:初试成绩公布。 3月初-4月底:复试/录取/录取结果网上公布。


最迟应在大学三年级时做好准备。 越早越好,可用的时间就越多。 主要是确定考研目标,开始复习考研课程。

如果考研,就应该提前开始复习。 毕竟学校有学习环境,大四的时候就应该努力考研。 如果大四考研不及格,就将面临毕业。 离开学校后,不会有特别好的学习环境和学习氛围。 外部环境的影响和干扰会对自律和自主学习提出很高的要求。 因此,毕业后考研会更加困难。 这些都是考研面临的现实问题,需要引起重视。

大学生本科毕业后一般可以参加考研。 具体来说,考研通常有以下时间点:

2、毕业后一年:部分学生选择毕业后一年报考考研。 他们可能需要利用这段时间为考研做更充分的准备,包括系统学习考研课程、参加培训班或自学、答疑解惑等。

3、工作几年后:一些工作几年的大学生选择再次考研。 他们可能希望通过进一步的学习来提高自己的职业发展和学术能力。

需要注意的是,不同学校、专业的考研要求可能有所不同。 在决定何时参加考研之前,建议同学们提前了解目标院校和专业的申请要求,合理做好考试准备,根据个人情况和目标做出决定。 同时,考虑到考研需要花费大量的时间和精力,还必须权衡自己的实际情况和未来的发展规划。

最迟应在大学三年级时做好准备。 越早越好,可用的时间就越多。 主要是确定考研目标,开始复习考研课程。

一般在大四上学期 1、本科阶段:大部分学生会在大四下半学期开始准备考研,包括复习课程内容、模拟考试、准备考研材料等。可以参加研究生入学考试。



大二? 当我大二的时候,我已经对大学有了很多的了解,也已经熟悉了大学的生活。 这个时候大家都在备考四级、六级,专业课也越来越多,学业工作也比较重。 虽然我已经开始了解专业,但我可能还不知道自己会对哪个专业产生持久的兴趣,或者将来愿意从事哪个领域的科学研究和工作。 这段时间是一个开始变得清晰的过程,考研的热情也开始了。

大三? 经过大学前两年的学习,我已经基本弄清楚了自己的英语水平是什么。 我学过很多核心专业课程,对于这个专业的大概内容不太了解。 至于是否考研,大三期间值得非常认真地考虑。 在这个思考和决策的时期,即使你已经通过了大学英语四级或英语六级,你仍然不应该停止学习英语。 以后考研、出国都需要,专业课也需要认真学习。 无论是工作还是考研,学好专业课都很重要。

经过一段时间的深思熟虑,大三学期结束时,就应该决定是否考研。 此时,当年考研的学生刚刚考完,也是新一批学生考研的时间。 此时,距离考研还有不到一年的时间。



研究生入学考试的初试通常在12月的周末进行。 2022年12月的周末是12月24-25日,所以2023年的考研很可能是在2022年12月24-25日。

每年全国考研时间都比较稳定。 预报名于9月底(国庆节前)进行,研究生考试预报名为期4天。 正式报名将于10月初(国庆节后)进行,为期22天。 笔试将于12月的周末进行。


2022年3月、5月:轮复习,重点复习基础知识,如数学、英语等。 对于跳过考试的学生,也可以开始准备专业课程。 这个时候你可以报一个基础班,特别是数学课和英语课。 不要急于进行练习测试。

2022年6月、9月:重点高校 1、具有认可学历的应届本科毕业生(含普通高校、普通高校举办的普通高等学校及高等院校应届本科毕业生)以及自学考试、网络教育的本科毕业生,可在那时。 入学当年正式注册前必须获得认可的本科文凭。 各高校纷纷开始印发招生简章。 大家需要关注招生政策的变化,尤其是想要报考的目标院校的目标专业、考试科目、指定参考教材的招生是否有变化。


专业老师在线解答权威问题。 硕士研究生招生全国统一考试(初试)将于12月24日至26日举行。 部分考试时间超过3小时等有特殊要求的科目将于12月26日安排。







以下是2022年考研时间表。 考研时间每年都有变化,但变化并不大。 想要23年考研的同学可以参考一下~

我应该什么时候开始准备第23次考试? ③ A区和B区有什么区别? A区和B区的得分线通常相差10分。 如果能通过A区的分数线,可以转学到A区或B区的学校; 如果只能通过B区的分数线,转学去B区的学校读书是不是更好?

虽然尽早确定考哪所学校、选择学校和专业、选哪个专业比较好,但有些学生从大一开始准备,或者从大二开始准备,为时过早,战线拉长太长。 反之,则效率不高。 如果你决定考研,那么在大三之前,尽量学好所有数学课程,通过大学英语四级或大学六级,英语提高到大学英语六级或六级水平。 这也是为考研做了大量的准备。 良好的准备。

大学生从什么年级开始可以考研? 12月中旬:打印准考证 12月下旬:研究生预试


研究生考试是全国统一考试。 前两年都是安排在12月的周末,今年是12月29日。

对于四年制本科课程,这是研究生入学考试的高年级。 对于五年制本科生来说,是第五年考研。 这是应届毕业生的考研。


如果毕业后你的基础不是很好,你自学就会特别困难,心里不踏实。 那么建议您报名参加培训班。 一般都会有系统的训练,这样就不会漫无目的。 慢慢来,在补基础的同时,多做真题,把握大局。前年

考研一般什么时候举行? (四)冲刺阶段



3. 第三天,将进行一些需要3小时以上的考试科目。


当你真正进入考研复习状态后,具体月份和日期可以参考往年考研时间:有的人会面临考研、上课、期末考试等很多事情,研究生考试时间一般为每年12月23日至24日。 所以提前制定大大小小的计划。


小计划就是整个考研需要多长时间复习。 比如一年是复习周期,基础复习、深入复习、巩固复习、冲刺复习每个阶段需要多长时间,每个考试科目每天需要安排多长时间。 审核时间、每个阶段的重点审核科目是什么等。


专业老师在线解答权威问题。 每年研究生考试一般在什么时候、什么月份举行?

1. 考研科目




其中:法学硕士、综合西医、教育学、历史学、心理学、计算机科学、农学等为统考专业课程; 其他非统考专业课程由各大学独立命题。






扩展信息 报考研究生全国统一考试,须符合以下条件:




2、具有国家承认的本科学历者,注册时须通过学信网学历测试。 不合格者可向有关教育部门申请学历认证。




研究生考试一般在12月中下旬举行。 结果将于次年3月左右公布。 复试时间是5月。 六月/七月收到录取通知书,九月开始入学。


考研之初,你将面临学校和专业的选择。 当然,每个人读研究生的目标都不同。 有些学生想弥补高考的失误,去更好的学校。 这种情况下,你一定要给自己摆好定位,考虑如果在其他学校不及格,是否可以接受转学并以自费生身份回国学习; 而有些学生只是想成为一名自费学生。 你想要的是获得硕士学位和研究生文凭。 你去哪所学校并不重要。 在这种情况下,您只需要向自己的学校申请即可。 只要你努力,通常都能进入。

2. 让自己符合高标准

考试过程中存在很多客观因素,您不能保证自己能够发挥出平时的水平。 所以,作为复习阶段的目标,无论考哪个学校,都应该定得尽可能高。 把自己当成是在考清华北大一样。 。


① 选择题、专业课巩固学习、英语翻译、英语阅读、数学练习。

2020年硕士研究生招生考试大纲正式发布。 英语、数学以及部分统考专业课程的教学大纲及教学大纲分析相继出版发布。 在此期间,考研预报名和考研正式报名也已启动。


初试科目分为外语、统考数学和商科课程。 考试时间以北京时间为准,均为3小时。 一年一度的研究生考试通常在十二月的第三个周末举行。 考试期间,一定要调整好作息时间,保持冷静的心态,全力以赴地考试。

2023年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试时间为2022年12月24日至12月25日(每天上午8:30-11:30、下午14:00-17:00)。 超过3小时的考试科目将于12月26日进行(开始时间为8:30,截止时间由招生单位确定,不得超过14:30)。


1、英语试卷结构:完形填空10分,阅读A 40分,阅读B(新题型)10分,翻译10分,大作文20分,小作文10分散文。

2、考研数学分为理工科(第一名和第二名)和经济学(第三名)。 第一号试卷的结构是,高等数学研究生考试在每年12月的一个周末举行。 每年考研时间都比较稳定,初考时间一般在12月的周末。 即12月26日至12月27日(每天上午8:30-11:30、下午14:00-17:00)。 超过3小时的考试科目将于12月28日进行(开始时间为8:30,结束时间由招生单位确定,不得超过14:30)。 56%,线性代数22%,概率统计22%; 第二名的试卷结构是78%高等数学,22%线性代数,没有概率统计; 第三名的试卷结构是高等数学56%,线性代数22%,概率统计22%。

The postgraduate entrance examination is generally held in late December each year. The re-examination process is slightly different for each admissions unit. It usually takes 2 to 4 days and roughly includes three forms: physical examination, written examination and interview. The above is a big reason. For candidates who do not cross majors and colleges or "three-cross", regional issues are also an aspect that needs to be considered when choosing a school. It is necessary to see whether the location of the institution meets your long-term development needs in the future. The "2023 Postgraduate Entrance Exam Time Schedule Subjects" compiled by us hopes to be of better help to everyone's preparation for the exam.

The preliminary examination for graduate students is a national unified examination. The examination time is usually on the weekend at the end of December every year. This rule generally does not change. Generally, the examination takes two days. If the examination is more than 3 hours or has special requirements such as using a drawing board, it will be arranged on the third day. 。

The preliminary examination time for the 2021 National Master's Degree Admissions Examination is scheduled for December 26-27, 2020 (Saturday and Sunday), 8:30-11:30 am and 14:00-17:00 pm every day. More than 3 hours or Examination subjects with special requirements such as the use of drawing boards will be held on December 27 (Monday).

The preliminary examination time for the 2022 National Master's Degree Admissions Examination is scheduled for December 24-25, 2021 (Saturday and Sunday), 8:30-11:30 am and 14:00-17:00 pm every day. More than 3 hours or Examination subjects with special requirements such as the use of drawing boards will be held on December 26 (Monday).

Based on the situation in previous years, it can be speculated that the postgraduate entrance examination time in 2023 will initially be December 24-25, 2022 (Saturday and Sunday), 8:30-11:30 am and 14:00-17:00 pm every day. Examination subjects that take more than 3 hours or have special requirements such as using a drawing board will be held on December 26 (Monday).

The National Master's Unified Admissions Examination, referred to as the "Postgraduate Entrance Examination", is an admissions examination for fresh undergraduate graduates, undergraduate graduates and students with equivalent academic qualifications to study for master's degrees in colleges and universities. In addition to the preliminary examination of the national unified examination, there are also re-examinations for postgraduate examinations.

The postgraduate re-examination time is usually in March or April. According to the "2022 National Master's Degree Enrollment Management Regulations" issued by the Ministry of Education, the re-examination methods and procedures are announced by the admissions unit.

That is to say, the specific date of the re-examination is determined independently by the institution where each candidate applies. The specific re-examination dates of different institutions may be different, especially now that various places are still affected by the epidemic. The re-examination time shall be coordinated by each admissions unit and consider the local situation. You can make your own decision through research and judgment, and just take the re-examination within the time specified by the admissions school you applied for.

In short, the postgraduate examination is divided into preliminary examination and re-examination. The preliminary examination of the national unified examination is relatively regular, usually at the end of December each year. This year's postgraduate examination is expected to start on December 24, 2022.

The postgraduate examination is a national unified examination and is scheduled on a weekend in December in both years.

For example: the postgraduate entrance examination in 2017 is on December 24-25, 2016.

The specific time schedule will be arranged in the admissions brochure of the school you are applying for every year, and will be published on the graduate admissions website.


I wish you good luck in your postgraduate entrance examination!

2022 Postgraduate Examination Time 3. Test paper structure: 24 points for the introduction to Marx's basic principles, 30 points for the gross, 14 points for the historical outline, 16 points for the ideological and legal foundation, and 16 points for the contemporary world economy, situation and policies.

The 2022 postgraduate examination is scheduled for December 25th to 26th, 2021.

The online pre-registration period is from September 24 to September 27, 2021, from 9:00-22:00 every day.

A few exam subjects that take more than 3 hours or have special requirements such as using a drawing board are scheduled for December 27.

The online registration period is from October 5 to October 25, 2021, 9:00-22:00 every day.

2021 postgraduate examination time reference:

1. December 25, 2021

Examination time: 8:30-11 Postgraduate examination time arrangement, simple examination time cannot be used up, but the paper cannot be submitted in advance: 30

Examination subjects: ideological theory, comprehensive ability of management joint examination

Exam time: 14:00-17:00

2. December 26, 2021

Exam time: 8:30-11:30

Examination subjects: Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Mathematics 3, Comprehensive Traditional Chinese Medicine, Comprehensive Western Medicine, Comprehensive Basics of Education, Comprehensive Basics of Psychology, Basics of History, Basic Courses for the Joint Entrance Examination of Master of Laws (Non-Law) Professional Degree, Master of Laws ( Law) professional degree joint entrance examination, basic courses for majors, mathematics for the joint entrance examination for agriculture, and chemistry for the joint entrance examination for agriculture.

Exam time: 14:00-17:00

Examination subjects: Comprehensive courses for joint entrance examination of Master of Laws (non-law) professional degree, Comprehensive course of joint entrance examination of Master of Laws (Law) professional degree, Joint entrance examination of agricultural sciences in plant physiology and biochemistry, Joint entrance examination of agricultural sciences in animal physiology and biochemistry, Computer Science Comprehensive basics of computer science majors in the joint examination of technical disciplines.

Tip: Starting from 2017, the examination subjects for the preliminary business courses for master's degree students in clinical medicine professional degrees and academic medical degrees will be set separately. The professional degree in clinical medicine will have a unified examination subject of “Comprehensive Competence in Clinical Medicine” (divided into two categories: Chinese and Western medicine). The academic degree in medical science will be set up separately. Business courses are independently proposed by the admissions unit according to the first-level disciplines.

At the same time, during the transfer admission stage, candidates applying for a master's degree in clinical medicine can be transferred to other majors in accordance with relevant policies. Candidates applying for other majors (including academic medical degrees) cannot be transferred to a professional degree in clinical medicine. )

I came here in 2021, and now I am on vacation as a graduate student. I would like to talk to you about the review for the postgraduate entrance examination. First of all, the 2022 postgraduate examination will be from December 25 to December 26, 2022. Exam subjects that exceed 3 hours will be held on December 27. The examination time mentioned here refers to the preliminary written examination. Each school will have different re-examinations. Same, you have to wait until after the initial test. Therefore, there is not much time for the 2023 postgraduate examination, so just prepare according to this time.

Postgraduate entrance examination timetable? You can take the postgraduate entrance examination in the first semester of your senior year, usually in December.

Monday: Get up at 6:00-6:30 am, have breakfast at 6:30-7:00, recite or read English words from 8:00-8:30, have classes from 9:00-12:00, 12:00-13: 00 lunch break, classes from 13:00-17:30, eating and bathing from 17:30-18:00, 18:00-19:30. 19:40-22:30 professional courses, 135 specialist courses 1, 246 professional courses Second, adjust your study time every month and study in reverse.

You also need to take time to practice calligraphy for the postgraduate entrance examination. A beautiful answer will be given a higher score by the teacher. When I took the postgraduate entrance examination, I used a ruler to write along the test paper. The font was neat. Although there were one or two typos, it did not affect the beauty of the answer sheet.

Postgraduate entrance examination timetable for junior students Postgraduate entrance examination timetable for 2013


From November 2011 to January 2012, we collected postgraduate entrance examination information and listened to free lectures.

(2) Early stage of review

Review round from April to May 2012: You can sign up for a basic class, especially math class and English class. Don't rush to do the mock tests, focus on reviewing the basics.

From June to July 2012, from February to March 2012, determine the goals for the postgraduate entrance examination and listen to lectures on the situation of the postgraduate entrance examination. How to choose a major for the postgraduate entrance examination and fully understand the information about the major you are applying for. Prepare to review. Pay full attention to the exam syllabus for the public courses for the postgraduate entrance examination, purchase tutoring books, and prepare for summer review.

(3) Strengthening and improving stage

From July to August 2012, a comprehensive review was formulated and the second round of review was started. Start focusing on reviewing and consolidating English and mathematics. You can participate in summer classes to improve the three public courses simultaneously.

September 2012 1. Pay attention to the admission brochures and majors of each enrollment unit, purchase professional guidance books, contact tutors, and obtain professional course examination information.

2. Strengthen the review effect of public courses and continuously improve the overall review structure.

In October 2012, the National Day Golden Week review was determined, and the review in the first two stages was summarized, sorted out, and filled with gaps. At the same time, you can start reviewing professional courses and enroll in a long-term class for systematic review.

October-November 2012 1. Online registration for postgraduate examinations begins. Please fill in the form carefully and keep the registration information in mind.

2. The confirmation of postgraduate examination registration begins. It is relatively boring for candidates to go to the designated location to confirm on-site. It is tedious to have friends to take the postgraduate examination together, encourage each other and supervise each other. Of course, the above is the timetable for the early stage of the postgraduate entrance examination. In the middle stage, you need to look at some test questions from previous years and try to figure out the teacher's ideas. The teacher's questions may be related to the current examination at that time. The same is true for professional courses. I was taking the postgraduate entrance examination at that time. I happened to be reviewing at that time, so I passed the exam successfully. , pay the fee and take photos.

The third round of review in late November 2012: English, mathematics, and professional courses entered the sprint review, and internal materials for the coaching sprint were purchased.

From December to January 2012, we conducted simulation training and signed up for a sprint class to check for deficiencies and organize them before the exam.

(5) Preliminary trial stage

In January 2013, I adjusted my mentality and prepared for the exam. Be familiar with the exam environment.

(6) Retest adjustment stage

In February 2013, I relaxed and checked my preliminary test results.

Pay attention to the re-examination scores in March 2013.

Prepare for the re-examination in April 2013 and contact the admissions unit.


作者: chanong



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